Meet The Team!
The CEO and Board during our third AGM on 24th July 2024!

Connie Duxbury
Connie has worked in the energy industry for over 7 years in a range of roles, as an energy analyst to smart metering, running energy tenders to now working in her dream career supporting the community energy sector as the Community Renewables Manager at Younity. She is a passionate climate activist and has led the organisation since it started in late 2021.

Lee Barker
Lee is a passionate advocate for renewable energy and community ownership models, and an experienced investor in climate change mitigation organisations and projects, first investing in a solar farm in 2012. He is a Chartered Architect and SME Director, with broad and deep experience of navigating property and development projects from inception to completion through complex statutory environments.

Finance Director
Reysha Shah
Reysha is a Chartered Accountant and spent 5 years working in Financial Due Diligence, supporting clients with their mergers and acquisitions. In her current role at Octopus Energy Generation, she is looking at new models of financing renewable assets, with a dedicated focus on people-participation.

Fuel Poverty Director
Chris Galpin
Chris is a retrofit expert with experience managing volunteers and leading campaigns. He currently works for a climate NGO providing expert policy advice and campaigning for lower energy bills. He previously spent 6 years in the civil service in various energy roles. He is passionate about social justice, and ensuring climate action is delivered in a just way which benefits those most in need.

Legal Director
Sam Dickinson
Sam is a New Zealand-qualified senior energy lawyer working in-house in London, with additional interests in financial modelling and commercial negotiations. He has worked as a lawyer for Ofgem, and is currently a senior lawyer at a key delivery partner in the UK's delivery of Net Zero through the CfD scheme).

Marketing Director
Risham Waseem
Risham is a digital storyteller, social media expert, and communication and advocacy strategist, originally from Pakistan but currently based in London. Her expertise lies in creative and innovative 360-degree communication strategies that make use of a combination of new and traditional media spaces. Recently she created a 5 part podcast that addresses the issues of climate crises with UNESCO.

Projects Director
Murray Mitchell
Murray has worked in the energy industry for the past ten years. Roles have included tackling energy efficiency on the Green Deal scheme, protecting vulnerable consumers designing the Price Cap for Ofgem and supporting renewable energy as a policy and commercial development manager for the Contracts for Difference scheme.
Ria Patel
Ria has previously been involved in the board for CCE, and has grown to understand how the processes and organisation operates. They have also co-chaired several groups within the Green Party and is good at communication, adapting to different audiences, as well as being able to write engaging emails, including sending out notice for meetings.
Volunteer Managers
In addition to the Board, we have two fantastic Volunteer Managers who onboard, help train and support our over 50 volunteers!

Volunteer Manager
Tim Coombe
Tim has been involved with CCE for three years and has a good understanding of what we are trying to achieve, together with the importance of volunteers to the success of the organisation. He's been involved in recruitment, onboarding and mentoring in his day job, so is used to being a friendly face for new starters.

Volunteer Manager
Megan Morris
Megan has a decade of volunteer experience, starting from helping on a farm as a teenager to founding a beekeeping society at university and, more recently, supervising corporate volunteering days at her local community garden. She truly values and appreciate the time and effort donated by volunteers as volunteer organizations wouldn't exist without them!